No Pressure, No Bosses, Earn Big Time With the New Niche Markets!

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Author: James Ramage

The new niche markets available today will supply you with a lot of different moneymaking strategies to choose from. The hungry crowd has a tendency of asking more than 5 follow-up questions to their original question. So there is no quota for new niche markets out there. There is a niche to every question they ask. It is just endless.

Coming up with a fresh new approach to an old issue like fat loss would be a just one of the many niche marketing strategies that people attempt. Nowadays, people are also becoming more resourceful. They check out whats out there and they know what they want before they make a purchase.

To name a few more niche marketing strategies secrets is to check on the most common things that people do everyday. Basically, people eat, dress, travel, and open their computers everyday.

The types of niche markets that attract a big crowd of people would be one of the basic things that people do. Like for example: "what are the most nutritious food combinations that will help maintain my figure"; "what is the latest fashion for my age"; "where can I get a good night sleep and great accommodation in a certain city"; and "what is the best website online that can give me precise as well as accurate answers to my inquiries".

Putting yourself in the shoes of the hungry crowd will assist you in creating a new niche market. Your expertise and knowledge on certain categories of interest is most essential. By giving a straight and accurate answer to the questions that most people might ask everyday, you are actually inviting a lot of traffic to your new niche market.

Suffice it to say, that the types of niche markets that can truly help you earn big time is the one in which you can really, truly help answer the questions of the hungry crowd. They want answers and they want straight, honest as well as accurate answers.

Some vague explanations to a simple yes or no question belong to the poor niche marketing strategies secrets. That should not even be a secret, should it? That must be common knowledge to all. A brilliant type of niche market would be the one where people can inquire something and be given the answer in layman's terms. Not some jargon that only the writer can understand. People want information!

The value of working at your own pace with NO boss breathing down your neck, while earning big time through the traffic that your new niche markets have generated, is truly a indispensable.

What are you waiting for???

About the Author:

Quit Stalling and make a move.Find a Market Niche Today Your journey is just beginning.


How to Grow Your Network Marketing Business with Facebook

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Author: Ted Hunsaker

Facebook marketing is a great way to grow your network marketing business if it is done correctly and on a daily basis. Depending on your time schedule, you should spend about an hour or two a day on Facebook. This time should be spent adding friends and writing on their walls. You can also write on walls of network marketing groups. You should not advertise your primary business on Facebook since no one cares about your primary business. You should just provide value and build relationships with people.

Your Facebook marketing game plan should start out with adding about 30 friends per day from a home based business related group. You don’t want to add more than 30 friends since you want to build a relationship with the friends you add on Facebook. If you use an automated friend adding tool such as Facebook Friend Blaster, which I don’t recommend, you will quickly reach the 5,000 Facebook friend cap and you will not be able to add any more friends. You want to have friends that are serious network marketers. You don't want to add people that are not serious network marketers or not network marketers at all. you want to be selective when adding friends.

When adding friends you should send them a short message. You will usually get a better response rate if you send them a message. Here is an example of a message that you could use:

Hi First Name

I saw you in the _________ group. I am into mlm and looking to meet and network with new people. Feel free to check out my profile and add me as a friend

Your Name

Shortly after they accept your friend request, you should write a short message on their wall thanking them for accepting your request and showing that you are interested in them and what they do. You can also post a 20-30 second welcome video on their wall which you can record from your web cam. You should do the same thing when people add you as a friend.

You should also join several popular network marketing related groups. members of those groups will also add you as a friend since they will see you in those groups. You should post valuable content on three group walls a day. Don’t try to pitch your primary business since that is considered spamming.

One final marketing strategy you could use is start a network marketing related group. This is a great way to position yourself as a leader and build trust and relationships with your prospects. When you have a group, you appear to be an expert to other Facebook users. They assume that you know what you are doing and know how to use Facebook. When you start a group, you can invite all your friends and message the group members about new information.

Since I have revealed some information to you on how to use Facebook to build relationships and generate leads and signups, you should be ready to start marketing on Facebook right away. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can set one up for free at Be sure to provide some information and photos in your profile before adding friends.

About the Author:

Ted Hunsaker is an expert on how to use Facebook to generate a massive amount of leads and signups for your network marketing business. You can learn more about how to advertise on Facebook by visiting his Facebook Marketing Strategies site today.


How to get Traffic Through CPV

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Author: Fabian Mercado

CPV stands for Cost Per View which is a fantastic way of getting traffic. Before you go out and try it yourself let me tell you about it first.

When you use cost per vie traffic you are paying to advertise on another webmaster website via a pop under or pop up simple enough? Let say for example you have a website about gardening and someone is visiting a website about flowers, if you paid for CPV traffic for gardening your advertisement will appear on a pop up or pop under for the flower website whe the vistor leaves that website. This give you the opportunity to capture that visitor and turn them into cash.

Now, one key piece of advice is when using CPV you need to ensure that you always test multiple different pages because not all pages are going to work the best in CPV traffic. Different pages work better. Also, every keyword is going to result differently.

The best way to do it is going to be if you can set up a test where you're split testing your page. This will allow you to increase your conversion rate. If you get so many hits coming to your site, you can benefit greatly by being able to track the results and see which page is actually converting better. Testing will allow you to change the design or layout of your site for better results. Realistically, the best thing to do if your stick rate is weak is to turn the situation around and make some modifications and changes to your web pages in order to improve the conversion rate of the page(s) in question.

the best type of site to be using is a blog site, the more you update your site the more search engines will notice you. You need to be consistent otherwise you won't get noticed.

When you are doing any type of marketing, PPC PPV, CPV keep in mind that building a email list is also more profitable than anything else you can do. When you build a list of hungry buyer for your niche you will rake in the cash.

About the Author:

I am a article writer for the internet marketing niche.
I enjoy all aspects of internet marketing and hope to help everyone I can make money online.
my site is the magic bullet system


Affiliate Cloaking: How To Double Your Affiliate Commissions Overnight

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Author: Adam Bauthues

I know how the affiliate marketing game goes because that is what I do full-time. I know the ins and outs of the whole process, and the excitement of a well thought out and perfectly executed affiliate campaign, which results in a steady stream of affiliate commissions. I also know what it is like to watch those same successful campaigns dry up suddenly for no logical reason at all. Sometimes they never even get off the ground when all the indicators are there that they should be profitable.

If this has happened to you before here is what I think the main problem is and a solution to deal with it.

If you are an affiliate marketer it is highly likely that you take the following steps when building a successful campaign:

1) You build a landing page to suck in as many leads as possible

2) You follow-up with these leads via a targeted email autoresponder campaign

3) You drive traffic to this new campaign

In a nutshell, you build a highly successful sales funnel, meant to sell a product or several related products, and you drive traffic to that funnel in a number of ways.

After building this successful sales funnel what happens if you don't seem to be getting any sales? You get plenty of leads coming in, which means your traffic is converting, but the sales seem non-existent. Why is this?

Well, the first thing I would do is check my email follow-up series. There must be something wrong with my email sales copy, or my links, or the way I am pre-selling the offer.

But what if you are getting a ton of clicks to your products but no sales? Is it the product itself that is the issue? This could be. You really cannot be 100% sure of the problem at this point, and you may never know. The product itself could be a dud.

Well, I have had many campaigns like this over the years and I usually would just let them go and move on. That was until I experienced a very successful campaign, which had a consistent sales conversion rate and everything working properly, just stop working. Not a little bit either. The sales went to ZERO, overnight.

I spent some time asking other affiliates about this and found out it was a pretty common problem. I also found out what that problem was and how to combat it too. It is unfortunate that many affiliates do not understand what is really going on with their commissions.

I'll try to explain a little of what could be happening to your sales in this article.

The most frustrating thing of all is that it is highly possible your sales funnels could be making a ton of sales and that you are just not getting credited with those sales. In other words, you are doing all of the work and someone else is getting your commissions. That doesn't sit well with me and should not sit well with you either.

The Problem: Affiliate Link Theft

Without getting too technical, here is what is happening.

Your affiliate ID is being changed to someone else's at the point of sale, either manually by the user, or via spyware on your computer which was placed there at some point while you were online. You could also be a victim of "cookie stuffing" which many affiliates do to try and protect their own commissions from link thieves.

The problem is that this "cookie stuffing" sometimes steals sales from others as well. These "cookie stuffing" affiliates are just trying to protect their own commissions but they don't realize they are becoming part of the problem.

Any of these things can stop you from receiving credit for the sale even though you're the one who should have made it. You cannot stop ALL commission thievery online, but to stop any of it at all you must implement affiliate cloaking into your campaigns.

Link cloaking is when you create a redirect, or a hidden frame redirect on your website that hides your affiliate ID's and makes it nearly impossible for spyware programs to tinker with your affiliate links at the point of sale.

If you start incorporating affiliate cloaking into your business today you can make a huge difference in your bottom line. It is very possible that you are losing 30-50% of the sales that should be yours. I certainly was.

So now that you know you need affiliate cloaking, lets look at the right and wrong ways to do it.

Choosing A Link Cloaking Service

There are tons of programs and software packages online claiming to be able to help you cloak your links. Many of them are offered for free even. I would not suggest that you go with the first one you find for many reasons. You need to make sure that the link cloaker you use has been created specifically for affiliate marketing and not for some "black hat" seo tricks.

There are not as many affiliate cloaking systems as their are seo cloaking and regular link cloaking software programs so you need to be careful what you choose.

Do NOT Use Free Cloaking Services

I understand that everyone is looking for a bargain these days, but when it comes to your affiliate commissions be willing to do what is best for your business. The most notable free link redirection and cloaking services online are those provided by companies like,, and others.

These services started out as a way to shorten long URL's but have recenly been taking steps to supply affiliates with link cloaking too.

The problem with many of these services is that they don't work with every kind of affiliate link or program, and many times will actually hinder your ability to get visitors to your site!

The horror stories are too numerous of people who used redirection services such as TinyURL and and lost commissions. Many spammers use these services to try and cloak their links too, which results in many of these links not being accepted as viable URL's by spam filters and other email services.

It is in your best interest to not use these services at all.

The Best Link Cloaking Service

The best link cloaker is one that you can upload to your own servers so you don't have to worry about anything breaking down or not working properly.

This means you could create a separate website to house ALL of your cloaked links, or upload the cloaking script to each individual website you are promoting and create site specific links.

Depending on which way you want to go (I actually use both methods) it can be difficult to accomplish any of it if you are not a web programmer, or don't want to outsource the project to someone you are not sure you can trust.

With all of the different options available out there in regards to link cloaking it is very important to spend some time learning about the concept from an affiliate marketing standpoint. Once I got hooked up with the right cloaking systems my commissions doubled practically overnight for many of the products I was originally having trouble selling.

About the Author:

And now I would like to invite you to receive Instant Free Access to my affiliate cloaking report! In this report you will learn how to properly use affiliate link cloaking to generate more sales, bigger commissions, and repeat customers. You can also visit my blog at to get more free reports, tips and tricks to help you affiliate marketing business.

Article Source: - Affiliate Cloaking: How To Double Your Affiliate Commissions Overnight


The Best Ways to Promote Internet Based Business Opportunities - Pay Per Click

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Author: Pasi Kaarakainen

Many internet marketers are impatient and want results right away. As it pertains to advertising and marketing on the internet, paid advertising is going to get the fastest results when you do it correctly. Let's take a look at using pay per click advertising to promote internet based business opportunities for more immediate results.

When you talk about pay per click advertising you have to start with Google Adwords. Google is the largest search engine in the world and they derive the majority of their income from the Google Adwords PPC advertising program.

It makes sense if you can afford to start with Google because 70% of all searches are done on Google. If you're looking for immediate traffic Google Adwords is a fast way to get it.

However, there is some learning curve how to use pay per click advertising the right way. If you do not know how to set up your marketing campaigns correctly you can loose a lot of money with them without results and you will give up trying.

There are companies who will manage your campaign for you and this ultimately is something to consider. For sure one thing to do is cap the maximum amount of money you're spending on a daily basis. This will help prevent you from going over your monthly budget.

One key to putting together an effective PPC advertising campaign is bidding on a large number of keywords. There are many keywords that generate smaller number of searches, but can bring meaningful traffic for a lot less than the higher searched keyword phrases do.

Another thing to consider is advertising on more than one search engine. Although Google is the largest game in town there are many search engines that you can promote on very inexpensively.

A great place to look into is There you can find hundreds of search engines to advertise on. Some of them may offer advertising as little as a nickel per click.

MSN recently re-launched their search engine under the name of Bing and they have some excellent advertising available. Yahoo marketing is another place to go for a lot of traffic at a price that is less than Google.

Google recently started to contact with people who have used Adwords before offering them $100 coupons to try their service again. If you have previously used Google Adwords this certainly is one opportunity you should consider.

Here were some aspects of using pay per click advertising to promote internet based business opportunities. Many people have achieved great results with this type of advertising. If they can do it, so can you.

About the Author:

Pasi Kaarakainen is running an internet based business ideas website with all the information you need to start earning internet income. If you want to find out more visit Pasi's site today.

Article Source: - The Best Ways to Promote Internet Based Business Opportunities - Pay Per Click


About Me

I'm a professional online money earner.I currently use my ASUS F81Series to online and earn money via Internet.I'm here to guide the one who are willing to learn only.


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