Build Your CSS and HTML List

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be preparedIts important to build your own css list if you are planning to design your website by yourself in the future. It might take few months or a year, as you can never do it within a day.

What if you are a total newbie?
If you want to set part in web design,you have to start right now as this has nothing to do about experience.
You do to learn, but not learn to do.

How to do?
Create a parent folder and inside of it contain HTML files and css folder — Here's my folder and you may take a look how i do it.
Note: The HTML file is made from nodepad(.txt file) then rename it to .html
create css_1
\inside parent_folder/
create css_2
\inside css folder/
create css_3
What .html file contain?
html file contain <html><head><body></body></head></html>

Linking html file to css file.
css file is linked with html file by the following code(view my html file)
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/wrapper.txt">

Thats all for it. To know more about serious web design you can try w3schools. Thanks for reading, enjoy site crafting to let your readers feel comfortable and trustable to your website.


Advantages and Disadvantages of money programs

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In order to make money online, you got to know how these programs work.
Pay to Click(PTC) - neobux
For example, each advertisement you click is 0.01USD, while each advertisement your downline click is 0.01USD, if there are 5 ads each day and your 20 referral clicks on it everyday, each day you will earn 1USD for free. An advertisement normally need you to view it for 20 seconds.
  1. User-friendly
  2. Get to know more high-potential opportunity
  3. zero - investment
  1. Referral are hard to get without advertising
  2. active referral easy to turn into inactive

AutoSurf - 4 real cash
For example, you click on "surfing" then the browser will start surfing a website normally in 20 sec, then will redirect you to another website. For example you have surfed 100 website, as return you get 50 credit which can exchange for other people viewing your website(1 credit= 1 time), and some cash(0.02USD) as well. Normally an upgrade option is available to increase maximum daily surf limit and cash income. Referral system(similar to PTC) is introduced too.
  1. User friendly
  2. Time-saving(As you don't have to click on it one by one)
  3. zero - investment
  1. Referral are hard to get without advertising
  2. The website you have surfed MAY contain virus that is downloaded silently to your PC.
  3. Some website may not last long if their pay rate is too high

Freelance - Get A Freelancer
For example, in the website people will offer project for freelancers to do. As a freelancer, we bid on the project according to ourselves. If the guy agreed to let us do the project, we will earn money that we bid on the project after we have done it. For example a social site creation project worth for 1000-3000 USD.
  1. You can earn in a short period according to the project
  2. There is referral program that allow you to earn money for referring other

This post will be updated gradually.


Rearranging post footer elements (Blogger)

| 1 comment |
post-header elementToday I'm gonna teach you how to rearrange your post footer element such as—Labels, author .It is intimate if you are able to make reader read Label or post-date information comfortably.Thus helpful to make money online.

How to do it?
As usual, go to Layout > Edit HTML —— click on expand widget templates
search for <div class="post-footer"> and you'll see something like that

<div class="post-footer">
<div class="post-footer-line post-footer-line-1">
<span class="post-author vcard">
<b:if cond="data:top.showAuthor">
<span class="fn"><></></span>

<span class="post-timestamp">
<b:if cond="data:top.showTimestamp">
<b:if cond="data:post.url">
<a class="timestamp-link" href="data:post.url" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link"><abbr class="published" title="data:post.timestampISO8601"><data:post.timestamp></data:post.timestamp></abbr>

<span class="reaction-buttons">
<b:if cond="data:top.showReactions">

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <td class="reactions-label-cell" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" width="1%">
<span class="reactions-label">
<data:top.reactionslabel></data:top.reactionslabel></span> </td> <td><iframe allowtransparency="true" class="reactions-iframe" src="data:post.reactionsUrl" frameborder="0" name="reactions" scrolling="no"></iframe></td></tr></tbody></table></b:if></span></div></div>

span class='post-author vcard' - Posted By
span class='post-timestamp' - Timestamp
span class='post-labels' - Labels
span class='post-comment-link' - Comment link
span class='post-backlinks - Links to this post
span class='post-icons' - Email this post icon and Quickedit icon
span class='reaction-buttons' - Reactions
span class='star-ratings' - Star ratings
span class='post-location' - Post location

You may find most of them by click the “Edit” link for the Blog Posts page element
Note: you might see that some option are not available, just go to and click the “Edit” link for the Blog Posts page element then all of them will show up.

So, how to moving or rearrange it? Just cut the whole span class ( from <span> to </span>) and paste it to the place you want.

*I assume that you know how to find the correct place by repeating cut and paste*
In my case, I want it to be in post-header section. What I'm gonna do it to paste it below my title tag. However to edit your label text-font and etc you need to specified a class. We currently have no post-header class defined.Therefore you have to add it:

.post-header {
margin: 0 0 10px 0;

Now you have to paste your code similar to this way —— For each new line in post-header, you have to wrap the <span> with <div class='post-header'> and </div>.

<div class='post-header'>
<span class='post-labels'>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'></a><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != "true"'>,</b:if>

Lastly and not to forget, edit your relative css in order to fit your taste.

Thanks for reading, enjoy designing your blog!

Reference article:


Drop Down Label (especially for blogger)

| 0 comment |
dropdown labelYou might be losing valuable space to display other information if you have a long list of labels in your sidebar.Sometimes, its ugly too.

A better way is to use a drop-down menu: this takes up little space, and is useful for helping your readers find the information they need. Thus helping you to make money online. Here's a few steps easy tutorial on creating a drop-down menu for your blog labels.

Find the following line of code in your blog's template:
<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'/>
Do not need to tick the expand widget templates box. Replace this line with the following section of code:

<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>

<br />
<select onchange='location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'>
<option>Select a label</option>
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
<option expr:value='data:label.url'><>

<b:include name='quickedit'/>

Save your template and its done!
Once installed, you can then move the label widget as any other widget.

Thanks for reading, enjoy site crafting to use site spaces effectively.
original hack developer:


Auto drop down navigation bar

| 0 comment |
facebook drop down menu
When your website grows larger,you might need a drop down navigation bar. As it will help you to make money online.

Why drop down menu?
1.Easier surfing
2.More professional

How to do it?
Paste this code into your css file.
For blogger,go to Layout>EDIT HTML and paste it into suitable place.

/*--------------- menu pro -------------------*/
position: relative;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;

font-size: small;
font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

#menuh a
text-align: center;
border: 1px solid royalblue;
padding: 0.3em;

#menuh a:link, #menuh a:visited, #menuh a:active /* menu at rest */
color: white;
background-color: royalblue;

#menuh a:hover /* menu on mouse-over */
color: white;
background-color: cornflowerblue;

#menuh a.top_parent, #menuh a.top_parent:hover /* attaches down-arrow to all top-parents */
background-image: url(;
background-position: right center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

#menuh a.parent, #menuh a.parent:hover /* attaches side-arrow to all parents */
background-image: url(;
background-position: right center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

#menuh ul
width:9em; /* width of all menu boxes */
/* NOTE: For adjustable menu boxes you can comment out the above width rule.
However, you will have to add padding in the "#menh a" rule so that the menu boxes
will have space on either side of the text -- try it */

#menuh li
min-height: 1px; /* Sophie Dennis contribution for IE7 */
vertical-align: bottom; /* Sophie Dennis contribution for IE7 */

#menuh ul ul
padding: 1em;
margin:-1em 0 0 -1em;

#menuh ul ul ul

div#menuh li:hover

div#menuh li:hover ul ul,
div#menuh li li:hover ul ul,
div#menuh li li li:hover ul ul,
div#menuh li li li li:hover ul ul

div#menuh li:hover ul,
div#menuh li li:hover ul,
div#menuh li li li:hover ul,
div#menuh li li li li:hover ul

However this code will output an error on IE version less than 7.Therefore need to add below code just above your </head>. This code will add on to browser if the version is IE version which is less than 7.

This code has been tested to work in various websites. To add it you have to upload to your upper directory or file host, then paste the url in the coloured area(you can use mine if you cannot find a file host)

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
body{behavior:url(; font-size:100%;}
#menuh ul li{float:left; width: 100%;}
#menuh a{height:1%;font:bold 0.7em/1.4em arial, sans-serif;}

Finally, add a HTML/Javascript with code below.

<div id="menuh-container">
<div id="menuh">
<li><a href="#" class="top_parent">Item 1</a>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="parent">Sub 1:2</a>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:2:1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:2:2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:2:3</a></li>
<li><a href="Sub 1:2:4</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:3</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="parent">Sub 1:4</a>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:4:1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:4:2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:4:3</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:4:4</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="parent">Sub 1:5</a>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:5:1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:5:2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:5:3</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:5:</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Sub 1:5:5</a></li>

<li><a href="#">Item 2</a>

... repeat and alter the list as needed

</div> <!-- end the menuh-container div -->
</div> <!-- end the menuh div -->

Now you should be able to see something like that
drop down menu

Thanks for reading, happy site crafting to let your customers feels better surfing your website.
Reference article:


No-ads PHP Free Web Hosting - 000WebHost

| 1 comment |
Free Website Hosting
If you wish to have a professional shared hosting quality in a free hosting package, come and host with and experience the best service you can get absolutely free.
This service is vital to make money online

Founded in December 2006, has a trusted free hosting members base of over 60,000 members and still counting! Offering professional quality hosting, support, uptime and reliability, we have a great community of webmasters, you'd love to be a part of!

Register now and get it all free:
*** 1500 MB of disk space
*** 100 GB of data transfer
*** PHP and MySQL support with no restrictions
*** cPanel control panel
*** Website Builder
*** Absolutely no advertising!

Join us now:


Open Multiple Tab in simple click

| 0 comment |
Clock|time savingSometimes its really pissing us off when we open up our program in browser one by one. Here's a good news for you, you can open multiple tab in your default browser with a simple click! By doing so, you can save more time to make money online.

Workable in different browser(tested in mozilla,chrome and iexplore).

How to do it?
1.Open your notepad(or similar program)

2.Write the following code inside your notepad

@echo off
ping localhost -n 2 > nul
ping localhost -n 2 > nul

Note:ping localhost -n 2 > nul is harmless timer that set the time of opening of different pages. You can edit the number "2" according to your choice.

3.Save the file in extansion type ".bat"
Now you shall have file with similar icon
.bat file
Double click the .bat file then you can open up several tab.

Thanks for reading, save your time to do more things.


Twitter make easy program

| 1 comment |
twitter followingSo you have a Twitter account,however you have so little follower.The most important thing don't have so much time to manually follow or unfollow people. Make things work easier is essential to make money online.

To edit your current list,I'll suggest you here .
In this program you can bulk unfollow or bulk follow those who only following you or only you following them.This is great while you want manipulate your twitter account! However it needs your password and id in order to work. Technically i don't trust any website. Therefore I'll show you a safer way in using this:

Go to your twitter account
change password(must totally irrelevant to all your other password)
go to twitter karma(take 5 minutes to load twitter list)
finish editing your follower and following list
Go change back your password or remain as your twitter password

Due to twitter restriction,it can only unfollow 1000 people a day,and refollow your follower for 1000 people a day.

Now you have less people followed by you, thats mean you got to manually follow them again? Not necessary if you try this: .

However for a free member, its auto follow's people function is limitted to few times 1 month. Therefore I currently use it for stopping DM that is spamming me only. BTW its usage as a pro member is extraordinary useful.

Thanks for reading, happy SEO my fellow readers.


Create your flash page

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flash pageDo you have a flash page? Flash page is the most basic thing you need to have before you can start a succesful online marketing. Take a look on our flash page. Flash page is important if you want to make money online.

You are not going to success in online marketing without a professional flash page. You have to learn or pay for someone else to create a professional flash page for you.

In case you have no idea on HTML coding, I'll suggest you this website. After signing up this website, go to My Site Promo then there provide an easy tool and a tutorial on creating a simple flash page.

What to include in flash page?
  1. Proofs or somethings make people believe in you
  2. Images( image attracts customer well )
  3. If can, always include a video.
  4. The others goes to product or website introduction
  5. Lastly, links to your "homepage", "about" and "contact"

Thanks for reading, enjoy marketing online to bring income.


Link Building

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Link buildingBuilding link is the most important part of SEO. In fact, even though you does not use a good seo technique, however if you have done your link building excellantly, you will be one of the top-ranked website in search engine. You have to know about link building to make money online.

So, what does link building means?
Link building:The process of creating inbound links to owns website. This can be done reciprocal links, being listed in e-zines, newsletters, directories, search engines, etc.

Therefore, link building is sort of PR things. I'll give some easy way on link building here.There will be more advanced way introduce in the future.
  1. Publish your article online : write an article and publish it to website that collect various article. For example: this.
  2. Get backlinks to your website : you can try this website which give you free backlinks
  3. Link exchange : contact with websites and ask them whether they would like to have link-exchange with you. However you need to have very good option for them.
  4. Promotion : Give your customer something in return on promoting your website.

Thanks for reading, happy SEO for bringing your site traffic!


Auto Surfing instant payout -Liberty Reserve Express

| 0 comment |
Note: Liberty Reserve Express seems to stop paying since 7 december 2009.
Please check out other autosurf program such as
Rollover Ads : credits for ads viewed daily (Level 1) no start up bonus
4 real cash : $0.02 USD + credits for ads viewed daily (Level 1) start up bonus $5 +2000 credit

Why you need autosurf
Its true that the people that click to your website through autosurf is very less. However, autosurf is still very useful. Why? It is because it directs you traffic to your website constantly, hence increase your website pr value.Resulted in higher search engine ranking.

Furthermore, showing your website face to the unknown user is good when they go into your website the other day through the other link. Its highly possible that he will become a loyal customer.

Just in the shocking , an autosurf program that support instant payment have just come out. A start-up bonus of $1.2 and 5000 credits is provided. Current member in 09/11/21 3:07:21am Sat is 1298, So I'll assume that this nice offer won't last long.

Lets grabs this nice autosurf program, which helps you to make money online, when its still hot.
join libertyreserveexpress

Payment proof:
my upline payment proof: here

Their declaration:
" Hello surfers and welcome to Our site,
How would you like to get paid everyday instant without hassles?
We don't think member should have to wait to get paid.
We also do not require you to make a purchase before getting your payouts.
If you are new to surfing please take a minute to look around.

We offer what surfers need to make money without any problems.
You signup, purchase a membership, surf and GET PAID instant and automatic.
No need to wait for ADMIN's to pay or payout excuses like the other sites.
10% for 13 days paid instant no excuses ! "


Easy Embedded Sharing Icon

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ShareThis EmbeddedDo you like the easy sharing icon to share youtube video,post,etc to share it at your facebook account or twitter? This sharing icon not only satisfies the customer, but also make your post easier to be promoted, and thus optimizing your website. Thus helping you to make money online.

Now, why don't you put a sharing icon in your website?It does not need a strong coding knowledge, here I'll guide you by click + copy and paste tutorial.

First, register yourself in all you have to do is to follow the guideline in the website and a sharing icon has appeared just below your post!
ShareThis widget
Now you should have a sidebar widget name ShareThis.It is so ugly that we have to delete it.However deleting it means you will lose your sharethis icon which is below your post.There for you need to perform a small copy and paste.

->Click the ShareThis widget and copy the entire HTML/Javacript.
->Go to Layout>Edit HTML
->locate "<body>" tag.
->paste it just after the tag.
->save the template.
->delete the ShareThis widget.

Now you should have a nice Sharing icon.
Enjoy SEO to bring you more traffic.


Homepage with pages navigation

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Tired of "Older post" link? With this hack you can get rid of it! Lets your reader easier to surf your website in order to make money online.

Go to Layout > Edit HTML
tick the expand widgets box,then locate this by CTRL+F:
<b:include name='nextprev'/>

replace it with the code below

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<style type='text/css'>
.blogpager {
color: #060;
padding:0px 4px;

<div align='center' style='margin:5px;'>
<form action='#' name='pager20'>
<span id='vwg-pager-first'/> <span id='vwg-pager-prev'/> <input name='showingpage' onfocus='' size='4' title='Enter page number that You want to go' type='text' value='init...'/>/<input disabled='disabled' name='pagestotal' size='4' type='text' value='init...'/> <input onclick='checkpager()' type='button' value='Go'/> <span id='vwg-pager-next'/> <span id='vwg-pager-last'/>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var blogID = "7627232024483753977";
var home_page = "";
var pager_max_main = 10;
var pager_first_text = "First";
var pager_last_text = "Last";
var pager_prev_text = "Prev";
var pager_next_text = "Next";

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>


Edit the coloured words to fit your needs,if you have no place to upload the css style sheet,you may hotlinking my css style sheet.

At last,you should have a page navigation bar just below the original "older post" link.Thanks for reading,happy site crafting to keep your customer.

Reference Aritcle:


Free Traffic via free backlinks - Free Traffic System

| 0 comment |
free trafficIf you have known of search engine optimisation,you must have known how important backlinks are. You need traffic to your website and get the traffic at the lowest price available in order to make money online.

Know what? I have found a website which give you uncountable free backlinks to your website - Free Traffic System.

How it works?
First, you have to write an article.Then submit it to the website. According to the number of your article words, you can have at least 1 backlinks inside your article.

For each article you can post to 30 blogs. In each blog there will be 2 pages that display your post (one from main post,one from tag).Hence you will have at least 60 backlinks to your blog for each article you have submitted.
free traffic system
Join here.


Earning with your knowledge - Freelancing

| 0 comment |
Have you ever heard of freelancing?
Freelancing is a platform where people offer project for others(freelancer) to do, while freelancer will get money according to project in return. This is the fastest way to make money online(if you have the knowledge)

What will you get from freelancing website?
If you are looking for a worker,you will be helped to find highly skilled Freelance Programmers,Web Designers and Copywriters at the best possible price!It means that you are able to save a lot of money if you have hired a skillful freelancer!

If you are looking for work,just become a Freelance Programmer, Web Designer,
Copywriter or Translator and then they will help you find customers.All you need are to bid on the project.

This is a great freelancing website that I'll introduce you.You can always google search for it whenever you need more of it.After joining the website,you will be guided to fill in your job area or your company's target.Then they will email you your bidable job via email whenever new available job is out.This will save your time from searching yourself.

For freelancer
Freelancing is a good way to build-up your customer list too!It is because if you have performed well in a company project,it is highly-possible that the company will continue to hire you for their coming project.It is normally well-payed then your salary paid for working in a company.When the pay is counted base on project,your value means everything.I do believe you are a high-value person.

If you have no idea which freelancer website to go to,try


Double sidebar in a sidebar

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Recently I've seen many blogs have a double sidebar in a sidebar, however I cant find any of them teach how to make it, therefore I've read some source code from those blogs and developed tutorial here. Double sidebar sometimes is essential to make money online.

If you're looking for 3-column blog,go here
You may need to know how to make each widget in separate box.
You may need to know how to make each post in separate box too.

Back to the topic,double sidebar is really useful to save your space.
To do it, go to Layout > Edit HTML

Copy your sidebar-wrapper code and multiply it by 3.

#sidebar-wrapper {
margin-left:615px; /* somehow by all using margin-left will work properly */
width: 275px;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float*/
#sidebar-wrapper2 {
margin-left:615px; /* somehow by all using margin-left will work properly */
width: 275px;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float*/
#sidebar-wrapper3 {
margin-left:615px; /* somehow by all using margin-left will work properly */
width: 275px;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float*/

You may need to change your float:$endSide to margin-left in your sidebar-wrapper
Note that:margin-left normally is the sum of your main-wrapper width + main-wrapper total padding width + sidebar padding-left width.

Now you need to add the new #id of left and right sidebar,
Here's an example code:

/* -------------double sidebar --------------*/
#lsidebar{float:left; width:120px;}
#rsidebar{float:right; width:150px;}

#lsidebar .widget{padding:0 0 0 0;}
#rsidebar .widget{padding:0 0 0 0;}

body#layout #lsidebar{width:50%; padding:0px 0px; float:left; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto}
body#layout #rsidebar{width:50%; padding:0px 0px; float:right; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto}

Edit it until it suit your need.
Note that #lsidebar .widget{padding:0 0 0 0;} adjust the padding of left-sidebar widget to 0 at allside(as I declare padding in my .sidebar .widget there)
Now,search code which is similar to this(near bottom) by CTRL+F

<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
</div> <!-- end content-wrapper -->

Paste the following code to there

<div id="sidebar-wrapper">
<b:section class="sidebar" id="sidebar" preferred="yes">

<div id="sidebar-wrapper2">
<b:section class="sidebar" id="lsidebar" preferred="yes">
<b:section class="sidebar" id="rsidebar" preferred="yes">
<b:widget id="HTML6" locked="false" title="" type="HTML">
<div id="sidebar-wrapper3">


Now you should be able to see the change at your page element.
WARNING:Do not delete your widget which is in code similar to
<b:widget id='Label1' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'/>

Now you should have professional looking sidebar.
Enjoy web design to let your customer enjoy surfing your website! Ultimately make money online.


Get Your Company Link Building With These 5 Simple Tips

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This is an article which is related to make money online.

Get Your Company Link Building With These 5 Simple Tips

By Oliver Feakins © 2009

IPB Image

As the online market place continues to warm up to the idea of SEO, link building has become center stage as it tends to be the most time consuming and crucial part of any internet marketing strategy. Link building services are the most commonly outsourced aspect of SEO. This process involves finding qualified and thematically relevant one-way linking partners who will link back to your website.

At first glance this sounds easy and there are hundreds of automated products out there that claim to add thousands of back links overnight. The truth is there are no short cuts in cultivating authoritative back links for a site. Link building companies spend many hours link building by hand in order to get the best results. Spammy automated products often don't cultivate valuable links and tend to do more harm than good. Here are a couple quick suggestions to help you get started.

1. Know What Keywords You're Targeting

Link building strategies are an extension of your current SEO practice. You'll want to reference the list of keywords you have selected to optimize your site. Make sure that the anchor text of the link has the keyword you are targeting. For example, if you're targeting the keyword "baby names" you'll want to place that keyword in the anchor text of the link. I've seen many companies go after links by using their company name. Although this does boost link popularity it fails to pass popularity for a specific keyword and can be seen as a failed attempt.

2. Develop a Link Building Strategy

There are many strategies link building companies use to source qualified back links to their clients. The most tedious but often most rewarding method is manual linking requests also known as "cherry picking". This method allows you to obtain exceptionally qualified links which can really help boost your position in the search engine results page (SERPS). A good place to start with manual link building is to look at your suppliers, vendors, clients, related organizations associations and more.

Besides manual link requests other well known tactics include:

1. directory submission (Dmoz, Yahoo Directory, Joe Ant)
2. article submission (,
3. optimized press releases (
4. social media outlets (FaceBook, Linked In)
5. bookmarking sites (Digg, Reddit, Furl)
6. Blogs (niche blogs)
7. Forums (niche forums)
8. Classifieds (niche classifieds)

3. Identify Thematically Relevant and Authoritative Linking Sources

Search engines see links as votes of confidence for your site. The more relevant and authoritative the site, the more consideration is given to the link and the subsequent keyword in the anchor text. It really pays off to focus on the quality of your links rather than the quantity. It is also important for your link building to look natural and not an attempt to deceive search engine spiders in search of links. Try looking for sites within your industry rather than general, unrelated sites to get links from.

A good example of this would be content creation and distribution. Try creating content on a relevant subject of which you can speak authoritatively. An example of this would be a SEO company writing a short article on 5 simple ways companies can start link building and placing it on an authoritative, industry relevant site like this one. Remember, before placing a link on a site (or making a request), ask yourself three questions:

1. Does a link to my website belong here (does it look natural)?
2. Is this site relevant and authoritative?
3. Is there any benefit to my potential customers?
4. Look for the onsite attributes of the linking site

4. Determine Where Your Link Will Reside

Once you've nailed down a potential linking partner that represents the overall quality and thematic authority that your site deserves you'll need to see where your link will reside.

Here are a couple guidelines that I look for when placing links on a site. I try to get my links no more than a few clicks away from the homepage. The page must be thematically relevant and recently cached by Google's search engine (this lets me know that the page has been indexed by Google). I also take a look at the number of external (outbound) links leaving that page. I try to keep the number of external links below 50 as it will dilute the effect of the page. Lastly, I look at the page the link will be placed on. For some sites this is harder to control, but if you have the option you should know where the most valuable locations are. I always try to get my links in line with thematically relevant content, like an article or blog post. I've found this produces some of the best results. Try to avoid placing your links on a "sponsored" or advertisers section that runs throughout the entire site. Also avoid footer links as rumor has it Google has devalued links buried in the footer of the site. Links placed at the top of the page or inserted into the site's navigation also tend to do quite well. Bottom line is that your links need to look like they belong and provide value to the user and the site it is published on.

5. Be Aware of "No-Follow" Links

Within the last 5 years Google developed the concept of the "no-follow" link. The "no-follow" code is inserted into your link and instructs the Google spider to ignore it. The "no-follow" link can be seen used most commonly in blog comments and forum posts. This initiative was set forth to combat spam and automated linking mechanisms that would throw links automatically on blog comments and forum posts.

There are a lot of SEO professionals that will only place a link if it is a "do-follow" link, meaning it doesn't have the "no-follow" attribute. I tend to disagree with this notion especially when the link in question is on a highly trafficked authority site. If it makes sense for the link to be there, then add your link. Even though Google won't give you any credít for it, it will be seen by thousands of people who may visit your site and link to you themselves because your site is highly relevant. I call this concept indirect link building. You are influencing and promoting your site to potential linking partners.

Link Building is a very time consuming process and link building companies spend a lot of time researching, testing and improving their techniques. Link building services are available for companies that don't have the time to invest in manual link building. The bottom line is that with a little help anyone can link build and move their site up the SERPS.

About The Author
Oliver Feakins is the owner of WebTalent, a full service SEO company offering internet marketing services nationwide. Oliver is a frequent speaker at industry conferences as well as regional colleges and universities. He also writes for,, Social Media Today, ITworld and more. For more information on WebTalent visit


Using meta and title tag

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SEOIf you have been to SEO, you must have and need to know about meta keyword, description and title. If you don't know yet, you have to read my tutorial now as this is an important technique to make money online.

For those who know,you might find even advance way of doing this... as it is not as simple as it seems. Using my site as an example,I'm gonna show you how it ticks.

First of all,what does this means?
<title>Money tutorial | Easy Make Money Tutorial</title>
It make our site name shown in the top of browser is the same as the title.
However many people have been setting a bad title,so did I. Consider this,is it a good title?
<title>Money tutorial which give easy money making tutorial,seo,webdesign and lots of freebies!</title>
For sure,it is not a good title.Why?
It is because earch engine wants your title to be simple and clear.
Firstly,you can use "|"(which means "or") to replace "which give" ;
secondly,using too much info of your website as title will make you loss weight in search engine,you can just choose one such as "easy money making tutorial".
-Sometimes,one is better than ten.

Now lets move to meta keyword section(although search engine take less weight on it nowsaday),
<meta content='Make money online, seo marketing, blog design, web site design ' name='keywords'/>
These is the keywords as a guide for search engine to search you.
As in the above example,for phrase of "make money online","seo marketing" and so on,
search engine will more likely to place us in the higher rank anytime a user search this phrase.
One of the way to find a keyword for you is using google adwords!
google adwords
For example the word "seo" have monthly 5,000,000 search query!
However why I don't use "seo marketing" instead of "seo" as my keyword?
It is because lots of website has registered with seo and some of them even paid for that keyword and I don't think my website is capable on challenging them. Therefore,"seo marketing" is a better phrase for me.
-After you have a website,you have to advertise your keyword!

Lastly,lets talk about description.
<meta content='Our ultimate goal is to give people simple tutorial on how to design website,SEO,online marketing,joining money program to make money online' name='description'/>
Description give the search engine an idea on what kind of website you are.
For our website,I use our site ultimate target as my site descripton.

Thats all for today,
happy SEO for bring your website traffic in order to make money online.


Promote with us

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Why promote for us?
For a post or do-follow link that promote us, we will give a link to your site here. Getting a link from us will help you to increase your website pr value, thus helping you to make money online.

How do we know after you have post about us?
After you have post about us, you should contact us on here via email and with the full url of the post. If you want to keep your email private, you may write your comment in this post too.

What if you're seeking to exchange link only?
You're welcome too! However the point is you need to show me that you have added me. You have to act now, just give me the full url after you have promoted us.

Is it program free for anyone?
No, if you are hosting illegal site such as gambling site , porn site, we wont post a link to you here. You got to understand that we got to keep our site clean.

We will update of the link after we have receive your full url and update will be seen in 24-hours. Act now in order to make money online.


Multiple navigation bar

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multiple navigationIn the previous tutorial,I've showed how to create a navigation bar. However you may find that a navigation bar is not enough. Normally,a website consist at least two navigation bar, one at the top(or side), and the other one at the bottom.

Now,I'm gonna show a cleaner code on how to create multiple navigation bars. You will need this to make money online.

As usual,go to Layout > Edit HTML
Then paste the navbar class(.navbar) code where similar code is written.

.navbar li{
background: #00BFFF;
margin:0 65px 0 65px;

.navbar li a{color:#7E587E;}
.navbar li a:visited {color: #7E587E;}
.navbar li a:hover {color: #B93B8F;}

Then add on the unique id(#topnavbar,#footnavbar) to the code above,



#footnavbar li{

Finally,You can now add 2 widget of HTML/Javascript to install these navbars.

<div id="topnavbar" class="navbar"><ul> <li><a href="">Freebies</a></li>
<li><a href="">money program</a></li>

<div id="footnavbar" class="navbar"><ul> <li><a href="">Exchange Links</a></li><li><a href="mailto:">Contact US</a></li>

Just in case you don't have the right place to place the widget,
I'll show you my code,use CTRL+F to find the right place,

What you gonna do is changing showaddelement into 'yes', then you have the right place to add your widget! Happy designing to keep your fellow customer—in order to make money online.

How it works
The #topnavbar stands for unique id which can override class(.navbar);
if the data is declared twice, then the declaration of id will work. For example,background in "#footnavbar li" override background in ".navbar li".

While in the HTML/Javascript widget, in <div> id='topnavbar class='navbar', id should put the id of the navbar you declared with '#', while class should put the class of the navbar you declared with '.' .


Using Twitter

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twitterIn case you have no idea what twitter is, Twitter is a hot social networking website nowsaday. Twitter user post a short description about what they are doing, and the people who are following them can have their up-to-date news.

Knowing this,having your Twitter account means you can share your up-to-date news with your website followers. This has become a common way to make money online.
How to use it?
> Join Twitter
> Follow people(those interested will follow back
> If reached limit,unfollow some
> Add link in your website to let customer follow you

Here an example of link for the blogger,add it to Javascript/HTML widget.

<p><center><a href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html"><img alt="rss feed" style="vertical-align:middle;border:0" width="200" src="" height="200"/></a></center> <br/><center><a href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html">Follow me in twitter</a></center></p>

Besides,you can also add your twitter link to your Contact Us page. Just be remember to keep update your status in twitter!
Happy SEO in order to increase site popularity — to make money online.


Design your header

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header2If you have read my previous tutorial, you should already have a header image, so now just left the header position and background colour to go! After finished reading this tutorial, you will have learnt another technique in web design which help you to make money online.

First of all,go to Layout>Edit HTML

#header-wrapper {
margin:0px auto 0px;

Adjust the height and width until the image does not crash with your content.
The "margin:0px auto 0px;" set the header to be in middle of blog.
To set the margin to the left of your blog,just delete the "margin",
More info about margin visit w3schools.

After you have set the header wrapper,
usually you need to adjust the other wrapper until for cleanage.
For refering,you may take a glimpse on how I make it.
To find the wrapper position,use CTRL+F.

/* Outer-Wrapper
----------------------------------------------- */
margin:0 auto;

#outer-wrapper {
width: 900px;
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;

#main-wrapper {
width: 560px;
margin: 0px 10px;
float: $startSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 230px;
float: $endSide;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float*/

Padding means the extra space of the wrapper.
You have to change the width of those wrapper according to your needs,
Notice that: width of outer-wrapper > content-wrapper > the other 2 wrappers
(width + padding of sidebar-wrapper)+(width + padding of main-wrapper) should smaller or equal to the content wrapper.
Now you should already have a good looking header!
Enjoy designing your website to increase your customer return rate for SEO. I'm sure this have helped you to make money online.


Design your header image

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moneytut headerYou might have a professional content,navigation bar; However if you are not a graphic designer, how to create a comfortable header, to help us to make money online?
In fact,it's pretty easy!Even a primary school student can do it!

First of all,lets take a look on the successful website,
twitter header

facebook header

Do you see if they have used any amazing technique on designing the header?
They just use a very common technique,just as if its designed from Microsoft Words!

Back to topic,to design a header,you can just use Microsoft word to design it!
Go to microsoft word(or similar program)>insert>insert picture>art words
Then you can just change the word art's font,size,property there.
moneytut header2

In case you're seeking for a cooler artistic word,
I'll introduce you a Word Art Generator,
you can create yourself a 3D word art through the website and is simple to use.
Here's an example :
word art generator

However there is something you must beware of when designing your header:
  1. Your header should not take off the light of your content,people read your content but not your header.
  2. Your header should be beautiful yet simple and clean.
  3. Try to follow the successive site's header,especially if similar to it.

Learn to make a nice header image(logo) to make money online.


Adding a sitemap

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sitemap ideaWhat is sitemap?
Sitemap is a txt file that list all your site's Url and give the search engine idea on how to crawl into your site. Therefore adding a sitemap means increasing your pagerank in search engine such as google. Thus helps a lot to make money online via SEO.

For Website owner:
Use sitemap generator to create your sitemap file(XML usually), upload the sitemap file to your root directory, then open your google webmaster tool, if you don't have one, sign up here:

Go to site configuration > sitemaps >submit a sitemap
and then upload the files using your sitemap file's link in your website.
Then the sitemap will be added successfully.

For blog user:
Open your google webmaster tool,if you don't have one,sign up here, and use this sitemap generator to generate xml link for your blog.
You will find links such as atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500,
Copy all of it -> then paste it in the submit a sitemap blanket -> submit and its done!
This is an important way in order to make money online via SEO.

Reference article:


Redirecting user to other site

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Go to layout > edit HTML,
paste this code in your website's HTML just before the </head> tag, then your website will redirect the user to the destination website.
If you don't wan the alert box,just use the code like this

Sometimes you may want to let the user in the old site for few sec before redirecting, then you can try this code

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url="/>

then your old website will transfer the person in 5 sec. If you want to show a notice, you can put a Text gadget and place it on the top of the page.

A nice redirecting can transfer your previous traffic to your new site. And in a longer view it can increase your SEO. However,note that having redirecting in your main site is bad for search engine.

Thanks for reading, enjoy learning in order to make money online.


Using feedburner for RSS

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For any webmaster, you sure cannot miss out what is RSS Feed, RSS Feed allow a user to keep up to date to a web content and at the same time increase the search engine optimization!
Besides,it is also an important method to maximise your customer loyalty, which is important to make money online. One essential way is through Feedburner.
I've found a video which teach you how to install your feedburner.

In case there are people not good in hearing english, I'll do some simple explaination here.
go to, under "Burn a feed right this instant. Type your blog or feed address here:", type your blog or feed address

Follow the instruction until your feed is set up.

Select Publicize > Email Subscription(on the left hand side)

Follow the instruction to paste the code in your site,and its done!
These acts shall bring you more traffics^^ and thus help to make money online.


Blogupp - free Blog promotion

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Blogupp free_blog_promotionAttention blogger!!
Here's a free blog promotion tool-- BlogUpp
After you join BlogUpp,you just have to enter the url link of your blog at BlogUpp, an importal weapon to make money online for blogger.
Grab the generated code > paste at html/javascript widget
and its done!

What makes BlogUpp! different?
Premium CPM € 0.08+
No signup, no private details
No ad submission, no efforts
Multilanguage support
Multilevel blog targeting
Cheat-proof and fair sharing
Welcome bonus for everyone
Blogspot, Wordpress and alike friendly
Best de facto exchange ratio (10:9) and more "

How does it work? "
BlogUpp! snapshots each blog and reads its RSS on a regular basis;
For every 10 blogs shared in your widget, yours is shared in 9 others;
The widget shows interactively the blog image and its latest post;
The blog clicked in the widget opens a new window, not closing yours;
And all this is completely free and with no effort whatsoever. "

Where is the trick?
The 10 to 9 sharing ratio leaves BlogUpp! 1 impression out of each 10, which is used for advertising and
Premium extra-promotion acquired by bloggers. This allows the service self-support expenses like
bandwidth and servers, and ultimately provide its community a cost free service.
See your blog promotion details in BlogUpp! stats and dare to acquire additional impressions for much better results. "

After all,its free!!Why not give BlogUpp a try in order to make money online?


All webmaster free tools you need -Isoregister

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earn money as a team - Dreamteammoney

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In a reality world,you can't earn money yourself; You are advised to team up with other. After knowing joining team works out better, I joined a reliable forum to make money online together.

Joining this forum,you get connected with other online money makers; You may figure out earning money alone in several years time, however by joining a team you may only need less than 1 year's time.

Its a place to discuss all the money making technique with team members and lots of opportunity, freebies are able to found here, if you are lack of list of money program you wanted,
its always the best to get one from here.

Affiliate Marketing Forum

This forum discuss all the online money method, such as ptc,affiliate and forex. While joining these programs, you also need to learn how to promote it via website, Many relevant ways can be found here.

Wish you success to make money online after joining


Duplicity of content

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copyrightFirstly,I hope you are not the one who likes to copy and paste, especially on other's people website content and put it on yours, if you do so,you wont be ranked high. and it might cause you a lot of trouble for it may cause you to in lawsuit. This is not good if you want to make money online.

I've found a interesting thread about this in
It is a program for any webmaster to find anybody that copy their content.
I think you won't like anybody else to copy your posts too.
And if you don't act after they duplicate your content,
Then i can feel sorry for you,I'll like to copy your content too ^^.

Hope this you help you,fellow webmaster.


About Me

I'm a professional online money earner.I currently use my ASUS F81Series to online and earn money via Internet.I'm here to guide the one who are willing to learn only.


Webmaster's Desert